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How to Avoid Scams on Dating Sites in 2022

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Dating site scam

We’ve all heard of well-known online scams involving cryptocurrencies or the notorious Nigerian prince email.

But the average losses from these two frauds are nothing when compared to dating site scams. A report from the Federal Trade Commission shared that in 2020 over $300 million (a 50% increase from 2019) in losses from online dating scams!

However, it’s important to remember that not all dating sites are scams, and also that many people have found true and lasting love thanks to the internet.

So to help you stay on the right side of the tracks, take advantage of our Must-Read 2022 Guide about online dating scams. We’ll tell you  the most popular scams, how to protect yourself, the added dangers of mobile dating apps, and potential comebacks.

How did dating site scams originate?

Dating site scams are a real problem. Be careful who you meet online and don’t send money to anyone you don’t know.

Here is a more detailed explanation:

  • Dating site scams are a type of online scam that involves using a fake online profile to trick someone into a relationship. The scammer may use a fake name, photos, and even a fake life story to create the illusion of a real person.
  • Financial scams are the most common type of dating site scam. These scams typically involve the scammer asking for money for a variety of reasons, such as to help them pay for a medical emergency, to travel to see the victim, or to invest in a business opportunity.
  • Non-financial scams are less common, but they can still be very damaging. These scams often involve the scammer threatening to reveal compromising information about the victim, such as photos or messages, if the victim does not pay them money.

Here are some tips to avoid dating site scams:

  • Be careful who you meet online. Do not share personal information with someone you do not know.
  • Do not send money to anyone you do not know. If someone asks you for money, it is likely a scam.
  • Be suspicious of anyone who asks you to keep your relationship a secret. This is a common tactic used by scammers.
  • If you think you have been scammed, report it to the dating site and to the authorities.

Some of the most well-known dating website scams

Online dating scams are a real problem, and many victims are too scared to come forward. Be careful who you meet online, and always check the credibility of the site before you sign up.

Here are some tips to avoid online dating scams:

  • Do not give out your personal information to someone you do not know.
  • Do not send money to someone you do not know.
  • Be suspicious of anyone who asks you to keep your relationship a secret.
  • If you think you have been scammed, report it to the dating site and to the authorities.

Tips to recognize scammers on dating sites

If you’re new to the scene, you may not know how to spot online dating scams. But there are certain warning signs to watch out for. Here are some of the more common tactics used by scammers:

  • They have an extremely attractive profile picture (which may not be their own!).
  • They hurry the relationship along and quickly suggest moving communications away from the dating website and on to texts, phone calls, or messaging apps.
  • They ask you lots of personal questions, but they consciously avoid giving you any detailed information about themselves.
  • They use words to flatter you and build you up, make you feel attractive, and give you a special pet name.
  • Once the relationship’s established, they start asking you for financial help, often for small amounts at first, before building up to larger sums. Or they may tell you a sob story about money worries, in the hope that you’ll offer to help.
  • They avoid Skype and other video calls, and never meet you in person. Any arrangements to do so are always canceled at the last moment or never come to fruition.
  • They claim to be living abroad, which is why they can’t meet up or why they need money to pay for their fare to come and see you. You may not be surprised to learn that international dating scams are actually one of the most common frauds on dating sites.

A quick warning on dating app scams

Many people now use mobile apps like Tinder, Grindr, or Bumble for dating.  

The first point to make is that all the same warnings that apply to dating websites apply to dating apps. You still need to exercise caution and take care of what information you share.

That said, there are certain aspects of mobile dating apps that potentially make them riskier.

  1. First up is the issue of immediacy. We carry our mobile phones with us at all times, which means we may be tempted to respond to a message immediately, rather than taking the time to weigh up the consequences. 
  2. Next, mobile apps may use GPS, making the location of one or both parties clear. Such information could potentially be used for stalking, for example. 
  3. And finally, there’s the simple reality that the sheer popularity of apps over dating websites makes them more attractive to scammers because it gives them a greater target market.

Although more established dating services like started life as websites, many people now use mobile apps like Tinder, Grindr, or Bumble for dating. 

How can you protect yourself from scams on dating sites?

particularly for people who’ve lost a loved one, who are lonely, or who’ve been single for a while. Just remember, however, that scammers often cynically select their victims based on people in those very situations.

You can help to keep yourself safe by heeding the following advice. First, only use trusted dating websites or apps: take time to research the best scam-free dating sites. Check to see if the person has a presence on other social media platforms, and be wary if they don’t, or if they have a fake-looking profile. Use Google’s image search feature to see if the person’s picture is being used elsewhere. And be extremely careful about sharing any personal information, especially any financial details or intimate pictures.

In that first flush of interest, it can be difficult to trust your instincts, especially because the other person could really be genuine. But always remember at the back of your mind that they might be stringing you along.

Many people who’ve lost money to a dating app or dating site scam simply write off their losses, because they believe it’s impossible to get their money back. At reclaimexpert, however, we take a different view. We’re great believers in justice and fairness, and we don’t think scammers on dating websites should be able to get away with their criminal actions.

To that end, we offer a discrete, confidential, and highly effective funds recovery service for people who’ve been ripped off by scammers on dating sites. 

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