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Military Romance Scam – All About Scammers Posing as Soldiers

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military romance scam

What Is a Military Romance Scam?

Military romance scammers pose as US military members online to gain victims’ trust and extract funds.

How do Military Romance Scams Work

Army romance scammers use stolen photos to create fake profiles on dating sites, social media, and messaging apps. They target widows and older women, and often ask for money.

The scammers also target grieving widows or parents who have lost relatives on active service. They hope to prey on a victim’s genuine desire to help out a member of the armed forces.

  • The scammers often use photos of real soldiers, which they find on social media or official military websites.
  • They typically target women who are aged 30-70 and live in the US.
  • Once they have established a relationship with a victim, they may start to ask for money for things like travel expenses, medical bills, or legal fees.
  • It is important to be aware of the signs of an army romance scam, such as the scammer being unwilling to meet in person or asking for money.

Where do Military Romance Scammers Come From?

Military romance scams are common in Nigeria, where young men are attracted to the high rewards of criminal activity. The government is trying to crack down on these scams, but they are difficult to track. Nigeria has a large telecoms industry and many citizens are online, making it easy to set up and operate these scams.

What Are the Most Common Platforms for Military Romance Scams

Military Scams on Dating Sites

Dating site scams are a popular target for fraudsters. They often claim to be stationed overseas or living in another part of the country, making it difficult to meet in person. They may profess their love for the victim early on and ask for small amounts of money at first, which can eventually build up to larger requests. One common request is money for airline tickets to visit the victim in person, but they will never show up.

Social Media

Military romance scams on social media often start with innocuous comments on your posts. The scammers will work from scripts and try to push you into the next stage before asking for money. They will often try to take the conversation away from Facebook and onto messaging apps.

How Can You Recognize a Military Romance Scam?

  • Here are some red flags to watch out for in military dating scams:

    • Few comments or followers. If the social media account doesn’t have much activity, it’s likely a fake.
    • Requests for cash. The military covers all medical and equipment costs, so any request for cash is a red flag.
    • Fast escalation of the relationship. If the relationship progresses quickly, it’s likely a scam.
    • Duplicate profiles. Scammers often use the real name and photos of a soldier to create duplicate profiles.
    • Asking questions. If you’re suspicious, ask detailed questions and use Google reverse image search to verify photos.

    If you’ve fallen victim to a military dating scam, there may be a way to get your money back. The team at Reclaimexpert can help you get back any cash you’ve sent via wire transfer. They offer a free consultation to assess the likelihood of recovery and help you gather evidence.

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